How do I apply a vinyl patch?
As you use your inflatable, situations may occur that require you to temporarily patch your inflatable. While some vinyl with visible cross-weaving will allow you to sew the tear with strong polyester thread, this is not advisable for most smooth vinyl as the material around the original tear will pull apart causing an even bigger hole. So, what is the best way to patch the tear?
1) Keep the bounce house inflated so the damaged area is smooth. Clean the area thoroughly with rubbing alchohol. Let dry.
2) You will need a patch of smooth vinyl material, preferrably the same material weight and color as your inflatable. If you purchased your inflatable from us, you will have received a patch kit with appropriate colored vinyls. If you ordered from a company that did not include this, contact the manufacturer.
3) Cut the patch a little bigger than the tear with rounded edges. Apply a thin later of the provided vinyl repair glue (included in the patch kit) to the area around the tear and apply the same adhesive to the patch, covering all the edges.
4) Apply the patch and compress onto the affected area, smooth it down, and let it dry for 2 hours before using or deflating the inflatable.

How do I roll an inflatable?
You've successfully used your inflatable, but now it's time to roll it back up. What's the best way to roll up your inflatable? While everyone has their own slightly different method, we present here the standard method of rolling an inflatable.
1) Deflate the inflatable, and make sure all deflation zippers are open to allow air to escape.
2) Begin by folding the inflatable into even thirds or quarters (the final width should be as wide as your storage bag).
3) Once you have the inflatable folded into a manageable thirds or quarters, begin rolling the inflatable towards the open deflation zipper.
4) As you roll the inflatable, continue to depress the air out in front of the roll to assure a tight, even roll.
5) Secure the rolled inflatable in its protective vinyl storage bag.

How do I clean and disinfect my inflatable?
Keep your inflatable looking like new by cleaning soiled areas using a mild cleaner like Simple Green or by simply using soap and water. Never pack up your inflatable when wet! Moisture can cause mildew to form which will void your warranty and cause a break down in the performance of the vinyl reading. Keep reading to see what products we do and do not recommend.
- We do not recommend concentrations of bleach or chlorine of more than 5% dillution, because bleach and chlorine can adversely affect polyvinyl chloride (PVC, what modern inflatables are made of).
- Do not use products that contain Dipropylene Glycol n-Butyl Ether (such as Odoban). This chemical is a component of many paint solvents, and it can damage or ruin the digitial print on your inflatable.
- Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of products not to use. Please contact us to determine if a product not mentioned is safe to use on your inflatable.
- Dish Soap and Water. Cleaning with soap and water can dislodge and remove germs and cause them to slide off surfaces once they are rinsed off with water. Water alone does not do the job - soap is required to lift the germs and suspend them in the water so that they can be washed away. According to the CDC, cleaning with soap "reduces the amount of germs on surfaces and decreases risk of infection from surfaces". Additionally, the CDC states that "in most situations, cleaning alone removes most virus particles on surfaces".
- Simple Green Clean Finish Disinfectant. This is a mild cleaner that will not damage the printed or painted surface of an inflatable.